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Dhyan Foundation Testimonials

Dhyan Foundation Testimonials

Under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji, Dhyan Foundation is run by volunteers who are engaged day in and day out helping the creation, without any remuneration for their services. These volunteers hail from all walks of life - business magnates, journalists, doctors, designers, lawyers, scholars, home-makers and students.

Hear what volunteers and supporters of Dhyan Foundation have to say about their experiences.

Under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji, Dhyan Foundation is run by volunteers who are engaged day in and day out helping the creation, without any remuneration for their services. These volunteers hail from all walks of life - business magnates, journalists, doctors, designers, lawyers, scholars, home-makers and students.

Hear what volunteers and supporters of Dhyan Foundation have to say about their experiences.

Register your Interest

Register your Interest

Supernatural Experiences

Supernatural Experiences

Seeing full form of Mata Laxmi during practice

Seeing full form of Mata Laxmi during practice

Kim started doing practices in Australia under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji, and was revealed to the incredible form of Mother Laxmi during one of the practices.

Kim started doing practices in Australia under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji, and was revealed to the incredible form of Mother Laxmi during one of the practices.

Interaction with Late Mother During Pitr Paksh

Interaction with Late Mother During Pitr Paksh

Simran's life transformed after meeting Ashwini Guruji. During Pitr Paksh, she had flash of her late mother's angry face in front of her. She immediately called her father who at that moment was cleaning her mother's old items making her mother furious. Her mother also told her to feed a cow daily on her behalf, what Guruji practically tells all sadhaks to do.

Simran's life transformed after meeting Ashwini Guruji. During Pitr Paksh, she had flash of her late mother's angry face in front of her. She immediately called her father who at that moment was cleaning her mother's old items making her mother furious. Her mother also told her to feed a cow daily on her behalf, what Guruji practically tells all sadhaks to do.

Sadhu foretells the future

In 2013 Dr Rakesh Pandey was sitting at his office offline when a Sadhu came and sat in front of him. The Sadhu asked for water, and went on to reveal Dr Pandey's past and foretell him meeting his Guru 6 months onwards.

Hands not burning in flame

Dr Prasan Prabhakar put his hand in the flame of a yagya done under the supervision of Ashwini Guruji, but his hands dont burn.

Ability to see one's Aura

Ability to see one's Aura

Under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji, Dr Anubha Singh achieved stillness from within and developed the ability to see one's aura body.

Under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji, Dr Anubha Singh achieved stillness from within and developed the ability to see one's aura body.

Seeing Hooded Serpent Wrap Around Body in Dhyan

Tanya, a volunteer in Australia had a vision while doing Dhyan with Ashwini Guruji. She saw a hooded serpet wrap himself around her during Dhyan.


Experiencing Phenomenal Personal Growth and Success

Transformed life in just 3 months

Saloni Sachdev was suffering for 10 years with mental health, work and family. She started doing Sanatan Kriya under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji and in just 3 months she saw a big positive change in her life at work, family and mental health.

Tremendous growth in work and in life

Nikhil Mulay, who grew up an atheist did not have his questions answered about divine until he met Ashwini Guruji. Since starting doing the practices, he has started seeing incredible success in work, moving to new country, getting a new place, new car.

180 degree change in productivity, energy and life

Sakshi Sachdev used to be stressed and anxious. She tried personal development techniques, but none of them worked. On meeting Ashwini Guruji and starting to do Sanatan Kriya, her life transformed 180 degrees. She saw a total shift in productivity, energy and mindset towards life.

Increasing responsibilities leading to increased success

Shivangi did not get professional success in life no matter how hard she worked. She then met Ashwini Guruji, who challenged her to do good karma for other beings.

From there she experienced miraculous career changes and moved to Germany and then to the US for work. She realized increasing responsibility towards creation leads to increasing success in life.

Sadhak Suffering from Autoimmune Disease Connects with Body

Sadhak in Australia who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis after Dhyan under Ashwini Guruji felt shivers, goosebumps and felt heaviness from body release. She was able to connect with her body more and manage pain better.


Trekking Himalayas at the Age of 65

Gita ji, at age of 65 trekked the Himalayas with Ashwini Guruji where she was able to trek for many days without any pain, something she did not imagine she could do previously.


Experiences of Divinity in Yagyas

Divinity in Yagyas

See original unedited images of divine manifestations in yagyas conducted at Dhyan Ashram under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji. See formations of Om, Shivling, Shri Ganesh ji, Shri Hanuman ji in the fire for yourself.

Shri Ganesh manifestation in Yagya

Dr Maneesha Bhat attended Ashwini Guruji's yagya at Dhyan Ashram, she put her hand in agni and did not feel any pain or damage. On taking photo of the fire she saw manifestation of Shri Ganesh.

Divine manifestations in smokeless Yagya

Dr Prasan Prabhakar, attended a havan performed by Ashwini Guruji, and saw divine manifestations of Om and various Gods and Goddesses photographs of which he personally clicked and documented.

Effect of Vedic Havans on physical body and glow

Dr Reenu Khosla, believed havans are done for selfish reasons. On attending havans performed by Ashwini Guruji, she saw no smoke, selfless bhaav and saw divine manifestations. The havans transformed Dr Reenu to start to look younger.

Stillness, fragrance and Divinity in Yagyas

For Dr Ritu Dangwal, everything changed on witnessing havan under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji. Her body got still, she saw the fire and she could not move her eyes away as the fragrance engulfed the entire room.

Yagya experience that shook volunteer from within

Dr Swarna Rekha attended a havan performed by Ashwini Guruji in Bangalore, she felt no smoke and whole atmosphere changed with Guruji's chants. On taking photos of the agni she saw divine manifestation.

Vedic Martial Arts Experiences

First hand experiencing 2 inch push

Dr Akshay V Prabhu had firsthand experience in Bangalore, standing 3 people behind he was blown away by Ashwini Guruji's 2 inch push, but got back up with a smile.

Experiencing 2 inch push at IIT Delhi

Dr Ritu Dangwal, went to IIT Delhi where she saw a young volunteer of Dhyan Foundation called 3 strong muscle men from audience to stand in a line and gave them a gentle 2 inch push, sending all 3 men flying to the other corner of the room.

Supernatural force guiding the 2 inch push

Dr VS Mishra witnessed the push experience by Ashwini Guruji in Bangalore where the first person feels a feather touch. It was unexplainable how the force transferred from the feather touch was so immense.

3 Volunteers Experience 2 Inch Push and Fall to the Ground

Dr Prasan Prabhakar first hand experienced 2 inch push by Ashwini Guruji, where he and two volunteers got a gentle push and all three went hurling to the ground and got up without being hurt.

Experiences of Spiritual Healing and Clairvoyance

Perception of yoga and abilities of Yogi changed in dramatic way

Parthiv Sanghvi Hon Joint Secretary at IMA, tells how the clairvoyance demonstration at IMA by Ashwini Guruji changed his perception of yoga and the abilities of a Yogi in a dramtic way.

80% accuracy at Indian Medical Association experiment

Jayesh Lele, Past President of the Indian Medical Association shares how diagnosis given by Ashwini Guruji at IMA by looking at patients photos is 80% accurate.

Diagnosing chronic liver disease in seemingly healthy girl

Dr Prasan Prabhakar first hand witnessed Ashwini Guruji just look at a seemingly healthy girl sitting at the back during a session and diagnose her chronic liver disease.

100% accuracy in real life demonstration of clairvoyance

Dr Ramesh Gupta recaps a live experiment where a volunteer with her eyes blindfolded twice identified Ashwini Guruji from 5 subjects using clairvoyance. Giving probability of being 100% accurate both times of only 4%.

All precautions taken to ensure volunteer unable to see or hear during experiment

Sachin Agarwal Producer at News24 recaps how all precautions were taken to ensure the volunteer doing experiment gets no clue to identify when Ashwini Guruji comes in front of her among the 5 subjects she identified with clarivoyance.

4% probability of identifying Ashwini Guruji accurately twice with blindfolds on

Col Leslie Menzes gives the live clairvyance experiment of identifying Guruji twice from 5 subjects with blind fold a mere 4% probability of being right both times. Showcasing the science of clairvoyance is highly accurate.

Firsthand experience of IMA experiment

Dr Praveena Gandhi firsthand experienced Ashwini Guruji conduct the IMA experiement where Guruji diagnosed ailments in 5 patients just by taking a look at their photos.

Diagnosing ailments without scans or tests

Dr Suman Biswas saw the video of IMA, but could not believe how a diagonsis that requires so many scans and tests could be done. So she attended a spiritual healing session under the guidance of Ashwini Guruji and experienced the results firsthand.

IMA experiment beyond Medical Science

Dr Shweta Suri, recounts the unexplainable science of clairvoyance that Ashwini Guruji demonstrated at the Indian Medical Association and how that was unexplainable by doctors present.

Diagnosing family members with just one look

Dr Natasha Prabhu, understood the power of clairvoyance when she personally experienced Ashwini Guruji diagnosing ailments her family members had just by looking at them.

Diagnosing ailment of family member

Dr Smita Pimpley, had beautiful experience of Ashwini Guruji diagnosing the ailment of a family member just by looking at the picture.

Seeing Colors Never Seen Before

Sarah, a volunteer in Australia during Dhyan with Ashwini Guruji saw aqua color and when she opened her eyes and looked between her palms, she saw a vibrant blue, a color she has never before in her life.


In Words of Dhyan Foundation Supporters

Kaveree Bamzai

Journalist and Author,

India Today

In a world dominated by cruelty and selfishness, it is not easy to follow through on such humanitarian principles, but DF has a leader who has taught them well. He practices what he preaches - that is equality and love for all.

Smt. Maneka Gandhi

MP Lok Sabha,

Government of India

Dhyan Foundation volunteers took the necessary government permissions and feeder passes and stepped out with food for hungry animals and gave selfless service at the time of a worldwide crisis.

Anu Malik

Music Composer and Singer,


It was an honour to be in front of Ashwini Guruji and have learnt so much. If you want your Karmas to be really balanced and if you don't have to fear death, then just feed the animals. I am overwhelmed at this point.

Pradeep Kapur

Former Ambassador,

Government of India

I appreciate the work Dhyan Foundation is doing for these helpless beings. Our country needs such brave hearts.

Kavita Krishnamurti

Playback Singer,

Padmashree Awardee

Dhyan Foundation is run solely by volunteers who are engaged day in and day out helping the creation, without any remuneration for their services. Their work in animal welfare is knows no bounds!

Prof. Jagdish Mukhi

28th Governor of Assam,

Government of India

Dhyan Foundation has volunteers from across the country - well-educated and in high posts. They are all working with the intent of selfless service in the entire country. In the North East as well, they have started doing good work for the gauvansh.

Voices of Dhyan Foundation Volunteers

Ridhi Kale

Senior Associate Editor,

India Today Group

Committed to making this world a better place, Dhyan Foundation is a unique organization filled with passionate volunteers who go above and beyond to help. From cattle to birds, from dogs to camels—if there is an animal in need they are there. Would recommend one and all to join this movement.

Dr Ramesh Gupta


California, USA

Dhyan Foundation is doing a fantastic job for the upliftment of poor sections of the society in India and improving the health and wellness of people across the world.

Saloni Sachdev

Global VP Human Resources
Acqueon Inc

I have always desired for internal glow, lasting youth, physical and mental stability. Having a work life balance and stress management was also something I was striving for since a long time. After being introduced to the practices taught by Dhyan Foundation and having attended some of their sessions I could see it happening!

Shivan Chanana

Anchor and Senior Producer,

WION, Zee Media

Practical, Sensitive, and action-oriented. That’s Dhyan Foundation for all its initiatives and practices following Ashwini Guruji’s principles. Their herculean efforts to house thousands of cattle at the Indo-Bang border standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the BSF is a tale for the ages.

Dr Akshay V Prabhu

Managing Partner.

Akshaya hospital

I have undergone some surreal experiences and witnessed genuine improvements in every facet of my life, all thanks to my participation in the sessions organized by Dhyan Foundation. I cannot overstate the tremendous advantages these sessions have brought into my life.

Dr Prasan Prabhakar

Managing Director

Laxmi Hospital Kochi

The sessions conducted by Dhyan Foundation have been genuinely transformative for me. Despite my initial scepticism about the power of Vedic practices, attending these sessions has completely changed my perspective. They have infused a greater sense of balance into my life and significantly enhanced my outlook. I highly encourage everyone to seize the opportunity to attend these sessions; they are truly eye-opening.

Abhishek Sharma

Bureau Chief,
India News

I am spellbound by the magnitude of work Dhyan Foundation is doing for empowering the poor sections of the society and for the entire creation.

Neeraj Maityani

Head of Sales,

DevRev India

Coming from a corporate background, my schedule was packed with busy meetings and frenetic client calls. That's when I came across the weekly Sanatan Kriya sessions conducted by Dhyan Foundation and with in a few months of this practice, I'm feeling much more energetic and active than usual. The way I perceive myself today has completely changed due to these mind-blowing practices.

Dr Reenu Khosla

Mental Health Care Professional

Since joining Dhyan Foundation's sessions, my physical health and internal well-being have significantly improved. I've noticed that people are complimenting me more, and it feels like I'm ageing backwards, looking younger every day thanks to these practices. I wholeheartedly recommend joining Dhyan Foundation's sessions if you're looking to become the best version of yourself.

Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.

Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.

Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Animal Helpline



Dhyan Foundation

A-80, South Extension Part II,

New Delhi-49, India


Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.

Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.

Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.

Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.

Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.