Patanjali Yog Sutras

patanjali yoga sutra
Sutra 22

sutra 22 MridumadhyaadhimaatratvaatTatoapiVisheshah

Mridu: Slow, light
Madhya: Average, medium
Adhimatratvaat: Excessive
Tatah: Of that/from that
Api: Also
Visheshah: Characteristic difference

Sage Patanjali after mentioning the pace of sadhna, now talks about its quantity.

Whether the sadhna is light, medium or excessive, that too is important.
Modern science tells us force is equal to mass into acceleration. Sage Patanjali told us about this thousands of years ago. While in the previous sutra, he expressed the sanskaar to maintain a speedy pace of sadhna, in this sutra he speaks of the amount (intensity) of the sadhna one puts in every passing second. The intensity with which one approaches the finality-what is your level of commitment and dedication, how strong is your desire, is also important in determining your success. When every cell of your body yearns for Divinity, that is called intense.